Options for canceling your Federal Perkins Loan if you are in an eligible job or in the case of disability or death.
Types of Cancellations
Partial Cancellation of a Federal Perkins Loan For Teachers
As a teacher, you may qualify for partial cancellation of your Federal Perkins Loan. In order to qualify, you must be working full-time and meet specific criteria.
Partial Cancellation of a Federal Perkins Loan For Other Employment
You may be eligible for partial cancellation of your Federal Perkins loan if you are employed full-time in certain employment categories.
Other Types of Cancellations
Cancellation Due To Borrower’s Death
How to apply for cancellation of a loan due to death of borrowers.
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
How to apply for TPD discharge of your Federal Perkins Loan.
Military Service Cancellation
How to seek cancellation due to military service.