
A student may receive an account refund due to excess financial aid or a reduction in tuition or housing charges. Refunds may be issued via direct deposit, check, or by returning funds paid with a credit card back to the credit card.

Enroll in eRefund (direct deposit)

Why am I receiving a Refund?

Refund due to Excess Financial Aid

A student may be issued a refund when the amount of Financial Aid received exceeds the outstanding student account balance.  UW-Madison will refund the credit balance resulting from excess aid within two weeks of either the date the aid was credited to the student’s account or the first day of the semester, whichever is later.

Refund due to Reduction in Fees

A student may also be issued a refund due to a reduction in fees made to the student account. This type of reduction is typically the result of a student dropping a course, withdrawing from a term, receiving a housing or dining refund, or a change made to a student’s residency status.

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Withdrawal/Drop Refunds

If you register for course(s) and subsequently withdraw or drop enrollment, the refund will be made according to UW-Madison’s tuition adjustment calendar.

Students that drop below full-time or drop below their originally registered credit level may not receive a tuition refund. Tuition adjustments will be determined on the effective date of the drop. Any adjustment of charges will be made according to UW-Madison’s tuition adjustment calendar.  If you withdraw from a term and have a financial aid credit balance, funds may be returned to the financial source.

Change in Residency

If a student receives a change in their residency status for tuition, the Registrar’s Office will make an adjustment to tuition and fees that could result in a credit balance on their account.

When will I receive my refund?

The timeline for receiving a refund is dependent on the type of refund being issued: the Bursar’s Office will process eRefunds (also known as direct deposit) daily, credit card refunds twice per week, and check refunds once per week.

Ways to receive a Refund

Student Account Refunds may be issued in one of three ways: eRefund (also known as direct deposit refund), credit card refund or paper check refund.

eRefund (direct deposit) is the fastest way to receive your refund!  Once issued, direct deposit refunds can be deposited into a student’s bank account within 1-3 business days; whereas a check refund may take up to two weeks to receive.

eRefund (Direct Deposit)

The recommended fast and convenient way to receive your student account refund.

A laptop computer displaying a login screen for online banking

Credit Card Refunds

A credit card refund will be issued when a student made their original student account payment via credit card.

MasterCard, Visa and American Express credit cards

Check Refunds

Students that are not enrolled in our direct deposit refunding program (eRefund) will receive a mailed refund check to their active mailing address listed in their MyUW Student Center.

External Third Party payments must be by check (drawn on a United States Bank) or EFT/ACH.

Wire Transfer Refunds

For students that do not have a United States bank account or a United States address, wire transfer refunds may be available.

A laptop computer displaying a login screen for online banking


Call the Bursar's Office

Phone: (608) 262-3611

Fax the Bursar's Office

Fax: (608) 265-3201

Bursar's Office hours

Monday – Friday
Virtual Services available 8 AM – 4 PM

Find the Bursar's Office

333 East Campus Mall #10501
Madison, WI 53715-1383