The Bursar’s Office offers virtual services Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm.
Emailing our office is the fastest way to contact us:
Information and resources on student account billing and payments, refunds, and loans serviced by UW-Madison.
Top Questions
Payment System Unavailable June 28th – July 5th
Due to a planned update to the Student Information System (SIS), the Financial Account tile within MyUW Student Center and the Student Account eBilling/ePayment system will be unavailable from 5:00pm on Friday, June 28th through …
June 14, 2024Fall 2024 Tuition and Fees Announcement
On April 4th of 2024, the UW System Board of Regents approved a plan for tuition increases for Universities of Wisconsin undergraduate students. At UW-Madison, resident undergraduate tuition will increase by $362 to $10,006 annually …
April 18, 2024Fall 2023 Student Account eBill, Due Dates, BadgerPay and Refund Information
Important billing & payment information for Fall 2023 When can I expect my student account bill? Fall student account eBills will be published August 16th, 2023. When the eBill is available, we send an email …
August 15, 2023- More News
If you have additional questions please use our Bursar’s Assistant Tool.
Key Dates and Deadlines
The Student Account eBills are published before the start of term and may include tuition and fees, housing charges and other fees. The student account payment due date will be the second Friday of the semester for Fall and Spring terms, for most students. Please check your eBill in MyUW Student Center for your specific due date. Authorized Payers can view eBills through the Authorized Payer login page.
August 14, 2024: Student Account eBills published for Fall 2024
August 27, 2024: Financial aid begins disbursing to Student Accounts
September 13, 2024: Student Account payments due for Fall 2024/BadgerPay 1st installment due
October 11, 2024: BadgerPay 2nd installment due
November 8, 2024: BadgerPay 3rd/Final installment due
December 6, 2024: Graduate student segregated fees deferred due date
Common tasks
Let parents pay my bill
Allow other individuals, such as parents, to access a student’s account.
Ways to pay
There are several options including the preferred method of online payments.
Enroll in BadgerPay
A convenient way to pay student account fees through regularly scheduled payments.
Student Loans
Information on loans serviced in the Bursar’s Office including how to make a payment on your loan.
Excess financial aid or tuition reductions may result in a refund. eRefunds are the preferred refund method.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition and fees pay for the student’s academic experience. Tuition rates are published in early August.
UW Madison Departments
Payments to students can be categorized as Non-Credit Internships, Prizes, Remissions, Research support, Scholarships, Student Awards, Internal Third Party, Travel (Restricted), and Welcome Checks. These payments are made through four mechanisms: Payroll, PIR, eReimbursement, Student Information System (SIS).