Military Service Cancellation

To qualify for cancellation due to service in an area of hostilities or an area of imminent danger:

  • you must be serving a period of full-time active duty in the US armed forces, and
  • your service must be in an area of hostilities or an area of imminent danger that qualifies for special pay under Section 310 of Title 37 of the U.S. Code, and
  • your Commanding Officer must certify your service dates, and
  • you must serve a COMPLETE year; service for less than a complete year or any fraction of a year beyond a complete year does not qualify.

Armed Forces of the Unites States include:

  • Army
  • Navy
  • Air Force
  • Marine Corps
  • Coast Guard
  • National Guard (serving a period of full-time active duty)
  • Reserves (serving a period of full-time active duty)

Cancellation Rates for Miltary Service in an Area of Hostilities

15% for the first and second year of qualifying service

20% for the third and fourth year of qualifying service

30% of the fifth year of qualifying service