If you were charged a late payment fee, and feel you are eligible for a late fee waiver, you may submit a Late Payment Fee Appeal form.
You may be eligible for a Late Payment fee waiver if:
- You have never had a late fee waived previously.
- You have extenuating circumstances beyond your control. Note: Filing for Financial Aid late is not considered an extenuating circumstance.
- Before submitting an appeal, the student account balance must be paid in full.
A late fee waiver is NOT granted if it is determined a student could have met the payment due date.
Submit a Late Fee Appeal
The Late Fee Appeal form is completed through your MyUW Student Center. Late Fee Appeals can only be submitted after the student account balance is paid in full. It takes approximately 1-3 business days to review a late fee appeal request.
Submit a Late Fee Appeal by logging into your MyUW Student Center:
- Select Financial Account
- Navigate to the ‘eForms’ section on the left hand side
- Select ‘Appeal Late Payment Fee eForm’
- Select ‘Term’ by using the magnifying glass and selecting the semester that you were charged a late fee
- Complete the ‘Extenuating circumstances’ section detailing the reason for appeal
- Select ‘Submit’ button