Payment Methods

Types of payments accepted at UW-Madison.

ePayments (online payments) are the fastest, safest way to make your student account payment!

Note:  The Bursar’s Office does not accept cash payments.  If you do not currently have a bank account at a United States bank, there are several banking options near the UW-Madison campus.  Setting up a bank account will allow you to make online student account payments via eCheck, and receive eRefunds.

Types of Payments

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

ePayment (Online Payment)

Students and Authorized Payers can submit ePayments (eCheck, 529 ePayment, Credit Card or  International/Foreign Currency) through the Student Account eBill/ePayment site.

Students access the Student Account eBill/ePayment site through MyUW Student CenterAuthorized Payers access the Student Account eBill/ePayment site through the Authorized Payer login page.

BadgerPay Payment Plan

BadgerPay is a convenient method for paying the student account balance through regularly scheduled installments.  Enrollment must be completed online!

Drop Box Payment

Note:  The Bursar’s Office does not accept cash payments.  If you do not currently have a bank account at a United States bank, there are several banking options near the UW-Madison campus.  Setting up a bank account will allow you to make online student account payments via eCheck, and receive eRefunds.

 The drop box is located in the main lobby of the building, on floor 1 near the elevators.

  • This drop box is for UW-Madison Student Account payments only. We are not able to accept WisCard deposits at the Bursar’s Office.
  • Make checks payable to UW-Madison.
  • Write student’s name and 10 digit Campus ID number on check.
  • If the payment is a scholarship, write ‘scholarship’ on the check.
  • Place check in envelope and seal before placing in drop box.
  • Do not place cash in the drop box.

Mail a Payment

Mail payments to:

UW-Madison Bursar’s Office
333 East Campus Mall # 10501
Madison, WI  53715-1383

Make checks payable to ‘UW-Madison’

Personal checks/Money Orders/Cashier’s Checks:

Mail personal payments a minimum of 5 days prior to the due date.  The student’s full name and 10 digit Campus ID number must be included on the check.

529 College Savings Plan

Contact your 529 Plan for disbursement instructions. Allow 10 days minimum before the due date for the scheduled payment to be mailed. The student’s full name and 10 digit Campus ID number must be included on the check.

Many 529 Plans can now be used to make electronic 529 payments directly to UW-Madison. Learn more about electronic 529 payments.

Scholarship Checks

All scholarship checks should be mailed or placed in the Bursar’s Office drop box.  The student’s full name and 10 digit Campus ID number must be included on the check.  If forwarding a scholarship check to our office, please include any scholarship paperwork received with the check.

Bill Payment Service Instructions

If you are scheduling a payment through your bank’s online Bill Payment service, the student’s full name and 10 digit Campus ID number must be included on the check.

Paying with Financial Aid

All financial aid (federal and private loans, grants and internal scholarships) is applied to the student account.  If your financial aid award exceeds the amount of the student account balance due, a student account refund will be issued.


All Scholarship checks should be mailed or delivered to the Bursar’s Office.

Internal Scholarships (from UW-Madison departments) will be automatically applied to the student’s account as they are submitted to the Bursar’s Office.  If you were awarded this type of scholarship and it has not disbursed to your account, contact the department that awarded the scholarship.  UW-Madison departments submit scholarship payments through the Bursar’s Office secure website.

External Scholarships (from outside organizations) should be mailed to the Bursar’s Office to be applied to the student account.  If you were awarded this type of scholarship and the payment does not appear on your account, contact the awarding organization.

  • Scholarships will be disbursed to student accounts according to the organization’s instructions.  For example, if the organization indicates that the scholarship is for the full academic year, the scholarship funds will be split evenly between the Fall and Spring semesters.
    • UW-Madison is not able to monitor student academic information (such as, but not limited to, full-time enrollment or GPA). If the student is not enrolled, the funds will be returned to the organization. However, if the student withdraws during the term and receives a refund, it is the student’s responsibility to return any scholarship funds to the organization.
    • UW-Madison will not monitor if the student’s account balance is zero and the scholarship may be refunded to the student.
  • If forwarding a scholarship check to our office, please include any scholarship paperwork received with the check.
  • Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid ( or 608-262-3060) with any questions on how to self-report scholarships to UW-Madison or disbursement questions after the scholarship check is received.

Private Loans

Private loan checks are typically made payable to both the student and to UW-Madison. If a check requires a student endorsement, the Bursar’s office will contact the student via email for authorization. Checks must be made payable in US Dollars.

For more information on the Private Loan application process, visit the Office of Student Financial Aid.

ACH Scholarship Award Notification

Scholarship organizations can submit ACH/Wire Scholarship Awards for students.

Third Party

Third party payments are payments awarded to students from companies, agencies or departments.

An “External Third Party Sponsor” is a company, government agency, embassy, or organization desiring to sponsor a student at UW-Madison.

Understand Third Party Sponsors

UW-Madison departments may also use Internal Third Party payments.

Tuition Remission

Tuition remission (also referred to as a waiver) is a benefit to graduate and professional students holding a Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Program/Project Assistant or Lecturer Student Assistant appointment to help alleviate the cost of tuition.

Veteran's Benefits

Depending on your connection to the U.S. Armed Forces, you may qualify for one or more different benefits, including full payment of your tuition and academic fees.

Please contact the UW-Madison Veterans Services office for assistance with determining eligibility or paperwork. The current Veterans Services contact is Joe Rasmussen (UW-Madison VA Certifying Official). Call the Veterans Services office at (608) 265-4628 or email

UW Travel Awards

Travel awards issued to students will not apply toward their outstanding balances, including segregated fee balances.  Departments must identify the scholarship as a travel award and submit it to the Bursar’s Office for processing. If you have questions, please contact your Student Payment Coordinator or Graduate Program Coordinator.


Call the Bursar's Office for help

Phone: (608) 262-3611

Fax the Bursar's Office

Fax: (608) 265-3201

Bursar's Office Hours

Monday – Friday
Virtual Services available 8 AM – 4 PM

Find Business Services

333 East Campus Mall #10501,
Madison, WI 53715-1383